Hosted lounge
We saw chance to make an impression with our new brand by hosting an event space at the 2014 Seattle Interactive Conference. Outside of the sessions, SIC is all just boring tchotchkes, and salespeople, it doesn’t feel like Seattle.
Our mission with SIC was to host an ultraunique space that featured living forests, iconic Seattle imagery and the best makers around to help 3,500 of Seattle’s brightest and most talented interactive minds relax, unwind, and make a few new connections of their own—all while immersing themselves in the awesome that is Seattle.
Instead of handing out useless branded tchotchkes, we partnered with the National Forest Foundation to plant actual trees in honor of every single mention of #YRGrowSomething on Twitter or Instagram. This resulted in planting 326 trees in the Pacific Northwest thanks to SIC 2014 attendees.